很多人误以为购买了TPT(Teachers Pay Teachers)会员后就可以随意下载文件,实际上,TPT的会员仅针对卖家,帮助他们上传、管理和销售资源。作为买家,仍然需要按照文件标价购买资源,并没有因为会员身份而享受折扣或优惠。
What membership types are available?
We offer different membership options depending on your needs. All memberships allow you to make purchases and download free resources.
Browsing and buying?
If you’re planning on browsing, buying, and checking out free resources, a free Buyer Membership is right for you. You canteacherspayteachers.com/Signup/Buyer?aref=7lui9dar&aref=53wxwv0s" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgba(52, 122, 135, 0.78); text-decoration-line: none;"> sign up here in just a few easy steps and you’ll be ready to start discovering high-quality educator-created content.
Want to become a TPT Teacher-Author (Seller)?
If you’d like to offer your original work to our community as free and paid resources, you can choose from one of our Seller Membership options:
Basic Seller Membership ($29 one-time, non-refundable fee) —
For details on payout rates and other fees, clickteacherspayteachers.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044219891-Seller-Fees-and-Payout-Rates" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgba(52, 122, 135, 0.78); text-decoration-line: none;"> here. A Basic Seller Membership is a great option for folks just getting started. You can pay to upgrade to a Premium Seller Membership at any time. You can become a Basic Seller teacherspayteachers.com/My-Account/Upgrade/Basic" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgba(52, 122, 135, 0.78); text-decoration-line: none;">here.
Premium Seller Membership ($59.95 USD per year) — To become a Premium Seller, you’ll pay an annual subscription fee of $59.95 USD. As a Premium Seller, you’ll earn a higher payout rate, and you’ll enjoy access to features and tools available exclusively to Premium Sellers. For full details on payout rates and other fees, click teacherspayteachers.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044219891-Seller-Fees-and-Payout-Rates" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgba(52, 122, 135, 0.78); text-decoration-line: none;">here. If you’re already a Basic Seller, you can upgrade to a Premium Seller Membershipteacherspayteachers.com/My-Account/Upgrade/Premium?aref=53wxwv0s" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgba(52, 122, 135, 0.78); text-decoration-line: none;"> here.
Note: There is a non-refundable one-time fee of $29 USD to become a Basic Seller. If you choose to become a Premium Seller at a later date, this fee cannot be applied towards a Premium Seller subscription.
Ateacherspayteachers.com/Signup/Seller/Publisher?aref=7lui9dar&aref=53wxwv0s" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgba(52, 122, 135, 0.78); text-decoration-line: none;"> Publisher Membership is also available for publishers that would like to set up a store on TPT for a non-refundable one-time fee of $29 USD. Sales made through the TPT Marketplace are split 50/50. If you’re an entity offering content you didn’t personally author, you’re welcome to register. teacherspayteachers.com/Contact" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgba(52, 122, 135, 0.78); text-decoration-line: none;">Contact our team if you are interested in this option.