Assignment 1: Diagram a motor skill using the file picture information processing model.
Choose and describe a hypothetical athlete/individual and a motor skill you would like to teach
Explain whether this skill is closed vs open, discrete, serial or continuous
Explain the individual’s ability and all situational/environmental issues
Explain issues of anticipation and possible arousal associated with learning and performing the skill
Find and summarize one peer reviewed journal article (one-page review + APA reference) that supports your choice of skill, teaching method, concern, need from an information processing related position
Remember, additional APA in-text documentation and referencing are required to support your analysis (review irubric)
Now the Diagram……………….Create a detailed outline of your skill with the following headings and explanations:
Identify all key information that typically confronts the learner. This will include both, important teaching information, and also possible irrelevant personal and environmental information.
Sensory Register:
Explain what information is attended to (registered), why?
Selective Filter:
Explain what information from the display is retained and what information is not attended to
Explain what information remains in attention and memory and why
Short-term memory:
Explain how you will help the athlete move the key information into short-term memory and analyze, interpret, integrate, create a schema for future selection
Choice Delay:
What is meant by choice delay, why it happens and why this issue is important
Response execution of long-term memory: Explain this process, how it happens, how it is improved, why it might not happen consistently.
The length of this assignment should be 5 pages plus Title and reference page.