
  1. 剽窃和串谋的定义

    • 剽窃被定义为智力财产的盗窃,是一种撒谎、盗窃和虐待他人的行为。

    • 串谋指的是与他人合谋进行不诚实的学术行为。

  2. 剽窃的具体形式

    • 直接复制短语或段落而不加引用和/或引号。

    • 在你的书面作品中改写别人的作品而不注明参考来源。

    • 直接引用你未曾阅读过的作者,即使你可能已经读过关于该作者的内容。正确的做法是引用你实际阅读的次级来源,而不是你未曾阅读的原始来源。

    • 复制另一名学生的部分或全部作品。

    • 提交已经在同一或其他课程中用于评估的作业。

  3. 允许他人剽窃自己的作品也是违规行为

    • 学生允许他们的作品被其他学生剽窃也是一种纪律违规行为。

  4. 违规后果

    • 被发现有上述违规行为的学生将面临纪律处分,可能导致连续评估成绩的作废和调整。

    • 严重情况可能导致从学院开除。


Important Note:

Students caught for Plagiarism and/or Collusion will be subjected to heavy penalties.

Plagiarism & Collusion

(extracted from Student Handbook) 

3.7.2 Plagiarism/Collusion

Plagiarism is theft of intellectual property.  It is a form of lying, stealing and mistreating others.  Students are reminded that plagiarism is a serious offence subject to the Institute’s disciplinary procedures.


Plagiarism can mean any one of the followings:


· direct copying of phrases and/or passages without a reference and/or quotation marks;

· paraphrasing another writer’s work in your written work without citing the reference;

· making a direct reference to an author you have not read although you may have read about him. The correct way is to reference the secondary source you have actually read rather than referencing the original which you have not read;

· copying the work of another student, in part or in whole;

· handing in assignment that has already been submitted for assessment in the same or any other course.


Please note that it is also a disciplinary offence for students to allow their work to be plagiarised by another student.


A student found guilty of any of the above offences will render the student liable for disciplinary actions which may result in the voiding and adjustments to the continuous assessment grade

 and may result in expulsion from the Institute.